Virginia Sports Betting Apps

How Much Should You Bet on Sports?

How Much Should You Bet on Sports? So… how much money do you put down on a single sports bet? And how much should you spend on sports betting in general? It’s a good idea to think of your sports-betting bankroll as disposable income, the same kind of disposable income you spend on other types […]


Should You Ever Pay for Picks?

Should You Ever Pay for Picks? You’ll never lack for opinions when it comes to sports predictions. From the talking heads on ESPN and FOX to sports talk radio to sports “personalities” and “experts” online, you’ll find dozens of hot takes on any one team will beat another on any given day. If you’ve started […]


22 Sports Betting Mistakes You Should Avoid

22 Sports Betting Mistakes You Should Avoid You love pro sports and have watched religiously since you were knee high to a grasshopper. Even though Virginia has long been the biggest state without a major pro sports franchise, it has always been your thing. Perhaps you’ve been a fan of the closest thing to a […]


What Is Sports Handicapping?

What Is Sports Handicapping? If you spend enough time at the sportsbook or the racetrack, you will invariably hear a reference to handicapping or someone being a handicapper. Although anyone can bet on sports, the handicapper has some sort of secret alchemy that he or she can use to know just what to bet. However, […]